

本系列第一部分覆盖即我们现在所指客户经验允许企业与其客户交互作用的集体结果无缝化,例如制造商和经销商之间的交互化。 因为在大多数情况下制造商客户是经销商,数据共享对彼此成功至关重要。 利用CX平台允许开发并实现接触点或触点CX平台监测触点个人性能,以不断提高这些点,测量每个点的重要性,创建并持续调整通信相关层次



Let's take the example of a company that manufactures and distributes hydraulic fittings and components.  In this and with any company, data can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people.  However, from a marketing standpoint between a manufacturer and distributor, data is information about products.  A company wants to disseminate as much information as is reasonably possible about their products and services to their customers and prospects.  It could be anything from what it looks like, to its size, to what material it is made of, to how much it weighs, does it violate any restrictions, does it have certain import controls, or is it made of any material that might be considered dangerous in specific applications.  There's a whole variety of product data the customer might need, plus there's also up-to-the-second data.  This can include how much of the product is on hand, where the product is in the company's global network of distribution or manufacturing centers, and how much does it cost in the customer's specific circumstance.  Not just a general list price, but their price based on volume, contract or other CX scenarios.



It's true, in general companies are afraid of competitors having too much information about their products.  But once the cat's out of the bag, it can't be controlled.  A company may give information to someone who is more or less trusted, but they don't always know how its going to be used and the user could purposefully or accidentally overshare it.  But the reality is, those kinds of fears are unfounded unless what's shared is some type of trade secret.  In the majority of cases, a company should want their information out in the marketplace to make it easy for the customer to make the decision to buy.  There is typically more harm when preventing that information from being released in the sense of lost business.  It puts the company in the dark, making it impossible to quantify the loss in sales and brand when they are hard to do business with.  It's also hard to quantify the传值共享信息分布端用户网络帮助项目建设液压系统或产品用于终端用户制造品的任何环境。不共享信息客户可能去别处。归根结底,人不买鞋不试穿

Take Amazon as an example.  They have been making a concerted effort to push into the industrial space over the last several years, and the reality is they are a distribution channel that should be leveraged.  So, if a company wants to play, they need to be actively pumping their data into Amazon's system in order to remain competitive.  Companies can't survive in major markets if there's fear of sharing too much product information.  The company has to make sure their products and their  business have actual unique advantages in the marketplace, and they have to tell people what those advantages are.  Plus, they need to bring something different to the market than just data, otherwise they reduce their product to a commodity.

There are many CX data sharing software platforms available that are off the shelf, yet specifically developed to integrate differing ERP systems.  Using these software platforms on the front end,  companies will often develop a web-enabled system that is custom built to provide an API endpoint.  It's a point on the internet where two ERP systems are essentially connected together.  For instance, a gateway system is built in the background at the manufacturer's end that is customized to a partner distributor's ERP system, which has the ability to go get information in real-time over the internet.  SAP for example has modules that tap into feeds of information, allowing a custom system to have a comparable endpoint for them to tap into.

Yet, more often than not individual distributor customers have different ERP systems.  One may be using SAP, another Oracle or Sage or Epicor, or any of a dozen other systems or even a home grown platform.  Each of those requires the manufacturer to build a customized adapter layer so that it works in concert with their system and allows them to provide only the data the customer is looking for and exactly how they want to get it.  That is basically how data sharing happens.  Though it's done over the internet, it's still tightly controlled, and it's not open to just anybody, only to those who the company chooses to collaborate with.

大客户CX go都行方式. 公司不单分享客户需要的信息,而且还收集大量客户信息,例如:

  • 产品偏好使公司交叉销售
  • 批量购买 帮助公司做更精确预测
  • 季节性活动
  • 终端用户洞察力
  • 连单个决策人和影响者的需求和偏好


花上好几年才能赢客户 少上几秒

Catherine DeVrye



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